«As a CEO you need to provide perspective.»

You can’t talk about Swiss luxury department stores without mentioning the name Franco Savastano. Currently CEO of Globus, he has previously led competitor Jelmoli for many years. His work is more to him than just a job. It’s a fascination, which he still strives to pursue in the future.

Franco Savastano has dedicated his career to the success of Swiss department stores. After executive positions at Bongénie-Grieder and Jelmoli, he is now in charge of all Globus department stores. While some people might think all CEOs consider profit as the most important indicator of their success, Savastano disagrees: “I want my employees to be happy. They are key to a healthy development of the company. That’s why it is so important to give them perspective.” In this episode of Beyer Talk with René Beyer he reveals his most significant learnings and goals for the future.

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